APITRAZ 500 mg - anti-varroa strip for bee families Length 30 cm for Dadant and Layens type hives Pack of 10 strips (treatment for 5 hives) AUTHORIZED PRODUCT for VETERINARY USE THIS PRODUCT CAN BE SOLD ONLY IN ITALY WARNING: THIS DRUG IS ALLOWED FOR SALE ONLY IN ITALY. ORDERS COMING FROM OTHER COUNTRIES WILL NOT BE PROCESSED. In the download section see how to use
Add alcohol diluted in water in a ratio of 1:4 to the container. Pre-wash 200-300 bees directly using the clear bowl and place them in the inner basket. Close the container with the lid and immerse the bees in the liquid, then add liquid up to the marked mark. Seal the lid and shake the jar for 1 minute to separate the bees from the mites. Remove the basket with the bees and count the number of mites through the transparent container. HOW TO CALCULATE THE VARROA PERCENTAGE: If using 300 bees, divide the number of mites by 3. If using 200 bees, divide the number of mites by 2. Recommended periods for monitoring: LATE WINTER/SPRING to evaluate a possible spring treatment - DURING THE HARVEST to evaluate the need for a possible treatment between one harvest and another - AFTER THE HARVEST to determine which treatment strategy to use in autumn/winter .