Special Products

Erboristeria Apistica

Via Statale, 93
23013 Cosio Valtellino (SO) ITALIA
Telephone: (+39) 0342 635337
Telephone: (+39) 0342 638021
Mobile/WhatsApp: (+39) 366 313 7279
E-mail: store@apistore.it
Pec: info@pec.onetti.it
Skype: Giorgio Onetti (live:giorgio_592)

About Us

Our shop is located in Valtellina (SO); it was born in 2002 from a family beekeeping activity dates back to the 80s, that sells our beekeeping products (honey, beeswax, pollen). The shop has developed also as a sale of beekeeping equipment, herbalist and biological food. We assist all the province of Sondrio, Lecco and Como, and Svizzera (Ticino and Grigioni canton).